Home School Advantages
Home school is a very good way to educate your children teenagers, and adults. As an adult whatever age you are, you can do this at home even if you work full time, and you have a family to take care of. We give you as much time as you need to finish the assignments at your own pace when it is convenient for you to work on it.
There is no time pressure for you to finish in a certain length of time, and you do not have to find the time in your busy schedule to sit in classes at school. Some people feel embarrassed that they never finished high school, and do not want others to know. This is a very private way that you can get your diploma.
It's Never Too Late
Also, some adults think that they have been out of school too long and will not be able to do the work. The work book we give you explains everything step by step, and there are tutors that you can contact by phone if you have any questions or problems. If you have a teenage person at home who has difficulties in school we can help. If they have fallen behind in school, very often they drop out. At United Christian School, we evaluate each student and put them up in the grade level that they should be in. We encourage them to get a job because this earns them course credits, called co-op credits.
Learn At Your Own Pace
They get four subjects at a time, and they can go at their own pace. As soon as they finish a subject, we will give them the next one. This allows them to not only catch up, but often times get finished earlier than they would in public school. Our children program k through 8th grade is very unique because we get the chance to start the children out right and give them the best education, before the public school has a chance to start them out with an inferior education that gets the child confused and behind in school. We take the time to be sure that your child is learning all the necessary skills to compete in the real world.
We take each individual child and set up a basic program based on reading writing and arithmetic with plenty of practice, to be sure the child learns the material. It is well known that home schooled children are better educated and exhibit better behavior than their peers. They get more personal guidance and attention that helps them stay on track to become better educated than at the public schools.
Photo credit to flickr user shawncalhoun under the creative commons license.